Drierte (ドリアーテ DORIĀTE) is an artificially created demon and a mage of the Succubus Eye guild.


In his humanoid form, Drierte is a tall, muscular and imposing individual. He has slanted dark eyes, each highlighted by a dark profile, which are surmounted by a single curved line forming an angle a few centimeters above his flat, angular nose. His dark eyebrows, on the other hand, are set higher up, leaving him with little or no forehead, since the somewhat rounded widow’s peak of his dark hair starts near them; the hair is tied at the back of his head in a round, curly ponytail, and a curious light mark, strongly reminiscent of a watch symbol, is located on the front.
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Drierte’s lower face was initially hidden by a light-colored bandana, tied behind his neck in a large knot, which bears a distinctive pattern, apparently intended to mimic a somewhat skeletal, open mouth with two rows of small square teeth surrounding an elongated, darker area. This garment is intended to conceal from view several features that remain diabolical even in Drierte’s human form: his mouth bears massive, pointed fang-like teeth, with particularly prominent lower canines that protrude upwards past the edges of the mouth, and is surrounded by a jagged profile, with four tufts of fur growing close to him, two on his cheeks and two on the sides of his large, square chin. His ears are also notable for possessing needle-like protuberances that protrude downwards from their lobes. When not in use, the bandana is left tied around his neck, hanging over his chest.

Drierte’s defined physical mass is highlighted by a fitted shirt adorned with a dark “V”-shaped symbol, possessing short, rounded sleeves whose edges are adorned with large square bands hanging from them. Dark armbands with pale edges cover his elbows; his left hand, moreover, wears what looks like a pale glove, reaching up to the elbow and sporting a dark flame motif. The demon’s somewhat baggy pants are dark in color but feature light sections on the outside of each leg, highlighted by two rows of nails, and end below the knee in a series of large light stripes (similar to those found on his sleeves, but with no space between them), which extend outward to draw a conical shape near his dark sandals.


Not much is known about Drierte’s personality. He seems to be apathetic when it comes to keeping abreast of recent events, especially when it comes to Fairy Tail, as he explains that he doesn’t care about what’s happening on the surface. At first, he appears a calm and collected individual, but he is also brutal and cruel, when he tells Natsu Dragnir that he finds his enemies easier to kill when they are in the form of children. His sadistic, soulless nature is further explored when he taunts an old-fashioned Grey who is afraid of him, while trying to strangle him. He has a quick temper and doesn’t like to be messed with, so much so that the effect of his magic wears off when he gets angry. At this point, he’ll stop at nothing to finish off the person taunting him, even if it means revealing his true demonic form.


Law of Degeneration (退化ノ法 Taika no Hō) : A form of magic that allows Drierte to significantly diminish a target’s magical and physical skills. This dangerous reduction is accompanied by an additional effect that diminishes the victims’ physical age, giving the impression that they have been transformed into a younger version of themselves. Affected targets suffer from a lack of appropriate movement due to their new body size, slower and noticeably weaker use of magic, greater consumption of magic, weaker physical abilities and weaker defense. The Law of Degeneration is an extremely powerful (if devious) magic, enabling Drierte to transform strong opponents into almost harmless, defenseless children, making their elimination by his hands or those of his allies much easier. It has considerable reach, affecting Erza Scarlet when the demon wasn’t even in sight, and can apparently be executed without the use of any posture, gesture or incantation, as Grey shows.
However, when using the Law of Degeneration on Natsu, Drierte adopted a spellcaster’s posture, extending his arms open to the side, palms open and facing the sky; in this case, his body appeared to be enveloped in a flame-like aura. For the effects of the magic to be dispelled, Drierte must be defeated or angry enough to enter his demonic form.

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Demonic form: As a demon, Drierte is able to take on another, more bestial form. His body fleshes out even further, his waist becoming larger and his muscle mass increasing, which is most evident in his enlarged, elongated arms. His skin changes color, becoming darker, and his hair, now loose, lengthens to resemble a mane, with two light strands extending a few centimeters from the sides of his forehead. His eyes become vacant, his canines enlarge and his ears become pointed, their needle-like protuberances more prominent. Drierte’s legs now resemble those of a bird, with five large talons. In this state, the only garment he retains is his pants, which are now relatively smaller due to his increased size. In this state, he’s starting to walk on all fours. What drove him to mutate during his fight with Grey was rage, which was enough to negate the effects of his retrogression law on enemies, as well as drive him berserk.

Improved strength: Drierte’s already considerable physical strength is further enhanced in this form, as Grey noted. He was able to effortlessly free himself from the ice Grey had generated around one of his legs, then kicking the mage several meters away from him, shattering trees in the process.

Increased speed: Despite the imposing size of this form, Drierte showed surprisingly high speed when transformed. Grey himself remarked on this while being manhandled by the Succubus Eye mage, unable to dodge some of his attacks.

Improved durability: Drierte’s transformed body is shown to be more durable than his humanoid one, being completely unaffected by the ice Grey generated on him, which was able to stop him in his tracks before.

Hand-to-hand combat: Drierte seems to rely on hand-to-hand combat as his main form of attack, using his massive arms to deliver powerful punches. His blows are noted for being far more damaging on targets that have suffered the effects of his Law of Degeneration, making the combination of magic and the demon’s bare-handed skills a dangerous one. Drierte’s blows gain even more power and speed when he enters his demonic form, giving him a body even more suited to melee combat.

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