In the Attack of the Titans universe, Eldians have been marginalized for many centuries. Members of this fictional race have suffered many hardships, whether in Paradise or in Marley. Unfortunately, being an Eldian is often associated with significant disadvantages in the series, despite the presence of many amazing characters such as Eren Jäger, Reiner Braun and Historia Reiss. Fans thus witnessed their incessant struggles to cope with the injustices and prejudices that constantly affect them.


The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

Before the plot of Attack of the Titans began, Eldians were considered the most powerful race. However, things have changed considerably since then, and fans have been able to learn more about the Eldians’ difficult condition throughout the story. Here, then, are ten harsh realities of life as an Eldian in this fictional universe.


10. They are hated by the majority of the world

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

Eldians are hated the world over, with the exception of Hizuru in the Attack of the Titans universe. They are often called “demons” and suffer physical attacks from racists wherever they go. In addition, restrictive laws prevent them from moving about freely, and they are obliged to wear armbands to indicate their status as Eldians. Although these restrictions have mainly been observed in Marley, the majority of the world seems to agree with this discrimination, as was demonstrated when the various countries united against the Eldians, following Willy Tybur’s speech.

9. They must live knowing the horrible things their ancestors did.

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

In the Attack of the Titans universe, descendants of Eldians are often punished for the actions of their ancestors, even if they had nothing to do with them. Characters such as Gabi, Falco, Sieg and Annie suffer the consequences of the past actions of their ancestors, who used their Titan powers to torture and kill others. This injustice is linked to the fact that, centuries ago, Ymir Fritz conquered the world for King Fritz, who passed on his power to his children to continue attacking his enemies. While this is terrible, characters who weren’t even born then don’t deserve to be treated cruelly for the deeds of their ancestors.

8. They can be controlled by the heirs of the Original Titan

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

As a race, Eldians must fear not only others, but also their royal family, which has passed on the power of the Original Titan from generation to generation. This power allows its holder to do almost anything they wish with Eldians and Titans. Holders of the Original Titan have the power to control Eldians by deleting and replacing their memories, altering their physical appearance, bringing them back to life and making them do their will. Eldians have no control over themselves, and those who lived centuries before history began may not have chosen to commit the terrible deeds for which the rest of the world hates them.

7. They can be transformed into Titans

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

Inheriting one of the nine Titans may seem attractive to Eldians, but being transformed into one of them is far from a pleasant experience. Usually, they receive an injection of serum that instantly transforms them into Titans. During their transformation, they suffer excruciating pain and are often trapped in their Titan bodies with no control over their actions. Titans also have voracious appetites and eat humans indiscriminately, making them terrifying to others. Life as a Titan is therefore a nightmare until they die or eat an heir to one of the Nine Titans to regain their human form.

6. Those who live in Mahr are treated terribly

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

As previously mentioned, Mahr is the country that treats Eldians in the most brutal way. However, in addition to the violence and discrimination that Eldians routinely endure, there are some particularly atrocious cases where the Mahrs have crossed the line in the way they treat Eldians. For example, Officer Gross fed Faye, a young Eldian girl, to his dogs. Another example is Tom Ksaver’s wife, who committed suicide with their son after discovering that he was Eldian, information he had managed to hide for years.

5. Eldians living in Paradise fear the Titans

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

While Mahr is known for its horrible treatment of Eldians, Paradis isn’t much better. The Eldians who lived in Paradis were subjected to the erasure of their memories by Karl Fritz, leaving them with virtually no knowledge of the Titans. Fortunately, the walls of Paradis protected the Eldians for years, but their safety was compromised when the Titan Colossal broke through the Maria wall, allowing the Titans to enter. A few years later, the same thing happened with the Trost district, causing terror and death for many Eldians. Living in the knowledge that giant Titans who feed on human beings could attack them at any time makes life on Paradise dangerous and unpredictable.

4. They are educated to believe they are bad

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

The Eldians of Mahr are constantly confronted with collective guilt for the actions of their ancestors, which is reinforced by the education they receive. Unfortunately, this only accentuates the contempt they have for their ancestors and the inhabitants of Paradise, as they don’t want to be associated with their past behavior. However, this attitude also backfired on Mahr when Grisha, an Eldian, discovered the truth about his ancestors’ past actions. This reinforced his resentment towards Mahr and tarnished his relationship with his own father, who had taught Grisha the beliefs of the land. These experiences strengthened Grisha’s determination to become an Eldian resistance fighter.

3. They can be killed for learning the secrets of Paradise

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

Paradise’s special brigade, although ostensibly charged with the protection of the Reiss family and the security of the Sina Wall, is in reality a secret organization that eliminates anyone seeking to discover the truth about the outside world and the secrets of Paradise. Armin’s parents were killed for attempting to leave the island in a hot-air balloon, while Erwin’s father was eliminated for theorizing that Eldian memories had been suppressed by Karl Fritz. These assassinations show that the Special Brigade is prepared to eliminate anyone who threatens the stability of the current regime, even if they are innocent civilians.

2. Children are meant to become Mahr’s warriors

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

To become a respected member of Mahr society requires an Eldian child to join the army and inherit one of the nine Titans to become a warrior. The parents of these children often see this as the fulfillment of a dream – to see their children fight for Mahr. However, for the children in question, this situation is far from ideal. They are forced to kill thousands of people and would have preferred to lead a simpler, more peaceful life. In short, becoming a warrior for Mahr may seem honorable, but it can cause considerable emotional damage to the children who are forced into it.

1. They need to hide their identity to feel safe

The Harsh Realities Of Being An Eldian!

Throughout the series, many Eldians, wherever they lived, felt the need to hide their true identity. Grisha led a secret life as an Eldian restaurateur before moving to Paradise, where he pretended to have amnesia. Historia was forced to change her name and join the 104th Cadet Corps in order to survive. Similarly, Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt had to live hidden among their enemies in Paradis, as they trained to become soldiers, before fighting their close friends. Although some characters were rescued after revealing their identities, most faced even greater hardship, worsening their already precarious situation.


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