“Attack of the Titans” is currently one of the most popular anime and manga series. The story takes place in an alternate world where monstrous creatures called titans exist. These titans have invaded the nation of Marley, forcing the last survivors to retreat behind huge walls to live.
For many years, the Eldians lived in fragile tranquility, never having seen titans, until the Colossal Titan and the Dreadnought Titan broke the wall, changing their world forever. The Exploration Battalion is part of an elite military team tasked with leading expeditions to better understand the titans, fight them and reclaim the lands they’ve taken. Here are a few imperative rules they must follow at all costs.
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10. Being ready to die
Residing in a world where immense titans can grab, lift and devour you alive means that everyone lives in constant fear and anxiety for their safety. For the members of the Exploration Battalion, however, this reality is taken to the extreme. Initially, they were purely and simply considered cannon fodder.
Exploration Battalion members must always be prepared to sacrifice their own lives for the cause, for the common good. It’s pretty dark to contemplate. Especially because, in the end, death is never an easy ordeal, and their death scenes are just as traumatic as those of other characters in the series.
9. Becoming an expert rider
If you’re considering joining the ranks of the Exploration Battalion, it’s vital to be an expert rider. Often, the speed at which you can gallop is the only way to save yourself from being devoured by an angry titan.
On many occasions in the series, soldiers have had to outrun a giant titan by riding at full speed, relentlessly. Have you ever been in a situation where your equestrian skills could mean the difference between life and death? It’s a daily challenge for members of the Exploration Battalion.
8. Accepting gray morality
Of course, as members of the Exploration Battalion, they’re an integral part of the army. It’s rather strange to think that the Exploration Battalion was created for the purpose of limiting curiosity beyond the wall, and that they are seen as unavoidable sacrifices, with a high mortality rate, while being required to comply with all the demands of their government.
The members of the Exploration Battalion must accept that they have a nuanced morality as individuals. Sometimes they’re forced to do things they don’t really want to do. Remember, they’re the ones who set up the fight between Eren and Annie at the beginning of the series. They do what needs to be done.
7. Prepare to sacrifice immediately without discussion
You might wonder what motivates those who wish to become members of the Exploration Battalion, given that many of them don’t even manage to complete their first mission. Indeed, many new recruits don’t even manage to be officially inducted into the ranks.
We’ve already mentioned that joining the Exploration Battalion involves a high probability of death, but even young members need to be prepared for this eventuality! They could lose their lives before even setting foot in the field. One wonders why anyone would choose to go down this path in the first place. It’s also why many of them have nothing left to lose, and no family to return to.
6. Accepting the dark origins of Exploration Battalion
Although the Battalion soldiers are now considered the series’ elite warriors, this was not their original intention. As we mentioned earlier when discussing the frequency of deaths among members, did you know that this was actually the main objective of the Exploration Battalion?
It was created with the aim of keeping citizens in terror of what lay beyond the walls and suppressing their curiosity. If soldiers constantly went on expeditions and didn’t come back alive, it showed that what lay out there was too frightening to explore. They were considered sacrificial lambs until Erwin came to lead them.
5. Being a good fighter without a gun
When considering the essential weapons for fighting any type of monster, most people think of firearms. This is a common choice in many other films and TV series featuring battles against monsters, so why not in SNK? In reality, most of the time, firearms aren’t effective.
Instead, members of the Exploration Battalion are equipped with special gear that places them in the skies. They must learn to fight in the air to keep up with titans that tower hundreds of meters above them. Not only do they use harnesses to fly through the air, but they also wield double swords to slice the titans’ necks, their weak point.
4. Donning the cloak to prove your dignity
The high-ranking members of the Exploration Battalion are easily recognizable by the long, impressive capes they wear. However, they don’t receive their own cape until they’ve proved themselves worthy of wearing it. The capes sport a green color and are adorned with the team insignia.
These wings symbolize freedom. Receiving one of these capes is a major event, but if you think about it, it simply means that your life is even more at risk, because the higher your rank, the more dangerous the missions become.
3. Be ready to participate in suicide attacks.
Once again, being part of the Exploration Battalion is one of the most dangerous places in the whole series. However, there’s a difference between dying in battle by being killed by a titan and deliberately sacrificing yourself in a suicide attack, unfortunately, suicide fights are an integral part of the show.
There’s a landmark case in the series where a legion of new recruits are directed to a suicide attack to distract the Bestial Titan. You have no choice. You must resign yourselves to death for the good of all.
2. Accept to probably never go home.
Most Exploration Battalion members don’t have much to do back home anyway. But if you’re fighting for a family or making a place safe, don’t expect to have much, if any, free time. Even if you simply yearn for a vacation, it’s not really an option in the Exploration Battalion.
The members devote all their time to training and preparing for upcoming expeditions. They may, from time to time, enjoy the right to go home or take a break, but this is extremely rare. When they’re not training, they’re attending meetings or strategizing.
1. Knowing how to run like a bird
Have you ever observed people running with their arms outstretched at their sides? It may sound a little ridiculous, but it’s a necessity if you’re a member of the Exploration Battalion. It looks a bit like Naruto’s famous run, although their arms are positioned more to the sides than behind them.
The reason members run this way is that their equipment is cumbersome. Harnesses and swords make traditional running difficult. So it’s easier to keep your arms at your sides to avoid impeding distance or speed.
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