The main character of Akira Toriyama’s saga, the beloved Sangoku, has undergone a remarkable evolution over the seasons, from his early childhood to his current age. He has faced incredible trials, developed the most powerful techniques ever equaled in anime, forged strong friendships and made many sacrifices for his loved ones along his journey through the Dragon Ball series. 👁🗨
Throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, Goku has grown from a young child to the great warrior and hero we know today. Toriyama’s Japanese franchise focuses largely on the maturity of its main character, Son Goku. He has grown from an abandoned child to a strong character, characterized by his courage forged through his many friends who were often former adversaries. 🤺
We’ve followed him from the original Dragon Ball series to Dragon Ball Z, then to Dragon Ball GT, and finally through the movies, not forgetting the latest Dragon Ball Super series. Now, we’re finally going to answer the underlying question that all fans have been asking: How old is Goku in each animated series? To answer it, we’ll take a closer look at how Sangoku has evolved-physically, socially and mentally-through each series of the iconic anime franchise. 👶🧑👴 🔥PRODUCTS OF THE MOMENT🔥
When Goku first meets 16-year-old Bulma while searching for the Dragon Balls, the young boy reveals that he is 11 years old.
After accompanying his new friends Bulma, Oolong and Yamcha to battle Emperor Pilaf and his cronies in a bid to prevent their evil use of the crystal balls, Sangoku spends the rest of his 11th year training at Turtle Genius alongside Krillin, preparing for the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament where he will be narrowly defeated by Master Roshi disguised as Jackie Chung. 🥋
Then it’s 3 years to the 22nd World Martial Arts Tournament, during which Goku strives to destroy the Red Ribbon Army. When the tournament finally takes place, he is defeated by Ten Shin Han at the age of 15.
After the tournament, Sangoku and his friends find themselves fighting the demon king Piccolo Daimao. Training under Kami, the Guardian of the Earth, and Mr. Popo, Goku enters the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament at the age of 18. He defeated Piccolo, an opponent who would become one of his most loyal allies in the future. Later in the story, he would marry Chi Chi. 👰
At the start of the Dragon Ball Z saga, 5 years have passed since the end of Dragon Ball. Goku is now 23 and has had a first son with Chichi, named Gohan.
After learning of his true Saiyan heritage from his long-lost evil brother, Raditz, Goku finds himself sacrificing his life to kill him, helping Piccolo. The arrival of Raditz’s superiors (Vegeta and Nappa) is not long in coming. Meanwhile, the Z Fighters train on Earth to confront them, and Goku also trains in the afterlife. He is then resurrected by his friends thanks to the Dragon Balls.
After his resurrection, Sangoku retains the appearance of his 23 years physically, but ages chronologically to the age of 24 when he helps his friends fight Vegeta. 🌏
After defeating Freezer, Goku spends 3 years training with the Z Warriors to counter the arrival of the androids, predicted by Trunks of the Future. During this time, Goku turns 26 physically and 27 chronologically. Realizing just how dire the situation has become, Goku and Gohan train in the hyperbolic time chamber, a special place in the vault of heaven that is impervious to the temporal changes taking place on Earth. They spend a full year there, now emerging physically and chronologically at the age of 27 for Goku, ready to take on Cell at the Cell Games. 💫
After sacrificing himself against Cell to save the Earth, Goku died for 7 years before being resurrected by Elder Kai to defeat Majin Buu. Although still physically 27, Goku is now chronologically 34 after Buu’s defeat.
After a 10-year jump for the saga’s epilogue, Goku is now 37 chronologically, while Vegeta also points out that the aging of Saiyans slows down once they reach their physical peak, allowing them to fight longer and more effectively. 🚀
By the way, discover Goku’s best fighting techniques without further ado!
At the end of DBZ, Goku goes off to train with the right reincarnation of Kid Buu, named Uub. Dragon Ball GT begins five years later, at the end of Uub’s training. Goku is now physically 42 and chronologically 49. 👨💼
However, this is short-lived, as Emperor Pilaf accidentally uses the Black Star Crystal Balls to return Goku to the age when they first met, transforming him into an 11-year-old child while retaining the mind of a 49-year-old man. 🔮
It takes him around a year to recover the black star crystal balls, although he ultimately fails to use them to save the Earth. When Earth is destroyed, Goku is now physically 12 years old, but psychologically 50. Thereafter, the series experiences a one-year jump for its climactic story arc, with Goku now physically 13 and psychologically 51. 🤡
DBGT features an epilogue and special set around a century after Goku’s fusion with the Eternal Dragon, bringing him back to adulthood in his prime. Although his exact physical age is unknown, he is estimated to be around 151 years old psychologically at the end of GT. 👴
And yes, time does fly! So if you don’t want it to fly away as quickly as Goku’s age, decorate your home with our exclusive Dragon Ball Clock Collection!
The new Dragon Ball Super series takes place entirely during the 10-year jump between Majin Buu’s defeat at the end of Dragon Ball Z and its subsequent epilogue. The Super saga begins about 4 years after the time jump, which means Goku is physically 31 but psychologically 37. 🦾
After the series begins, Goku and Vegeta train under Beerus and Whis for about a year before the Tournament of Power begins, leading to all the events that follow in the DBS saga. By the end of the Japanese animated series and the animated sequel Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Goku is physically 32 and psychologically 38.
Of course, there is also a sequel to the Broly saga in the Dragon Ball manga, but it’s not clear how many years have passed to date. Toriyama hasn’t given any further explanation on this subject either. However, given that the events of the Z saga epilogue have not yet taken place, one thing is certain: Goku still hasn’t reached the age of 40 (at least in physical terms). This means that our favorite hero has managed to reach Ultra Instinct mode before he’s even 40! 🔥PRODUCTS OF THE MOMENT🔥