Elie is a young girl suffering from amnesia, sporting short, light-colored hair falling below her shoulders. A thick fringe covers her forehead, while prominent locks extend downward, reaching her eyebrows. Her oval eyes are large, with dark pupils and thick lashes. She has a feminine figure, with generous breasts and elegant curves. Her lips are thin, her nose slightly rounded and her eyebrows fine.
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She wears a spaghetti strap with the brand’s logo stamped on the front. She sports a mini skirt and a pair of knee-high boots, with trim in a lighter hue and a “V”-shaped figure in the center. A belt holds her tonfas in place, and an armband in the shape of a small flower encircles her right arm. Around her neck, she wears a heart-shaped necklace.


Elie is a friendly girl who always keeps a smile on her face, despite her amnesia. She tends to think of most animals as insects, as shown by her question to Happy about what kind of insect he is. She also enjoys gambling in casinos, to the point where she sometimes loses control while playing.

Elie Fairy Tail 1

Sniper: Elie excels in the use of her Tonfa Blasters, easily eliminating several of Kurodoa’s servants, although she sometimes fires at random.


Tonfa Blasters: Elie uses this pair of bullet-firing tonfas as her primary weapon. The full capabilities of these weapons remain unknown.

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