Be warned that this article contains revelations about the manga’s ending. Even before becoming the main antagonist of Attack of the Titans, Eren Jäger performed actions considered reprehensible.
At the start of Attack of the Titans, Eren is presented as the angry but endearing protagonist. However, he gradually sinks into a state of irreversible despair. Possessing the Titan Assailant, Eren is forced to make difficult decisions as his power allows him to see past, present and future come together in a single timeline.
Despite his good intentions, Eren elicits little empathy from fans due to his unsympathetic character traits, especially before the manga’s final denouement. Eren is often annoying, impulsive and, once grown up, incredibly ruthless.
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10. Eren consistently displays childlike rage
Eren has difficulty handling complex situations and often resorts to anger to express himself. He often finds himself involved in conflicts and can be just as fierce towards his allies as towards his enemies if they act in a way he finds unacceptable.
The fact that Eren can’t understand that others might have different points of view to his own poses a serious problem, especially for a protagonist.
9. He almost pulverized his best friend
When Eren first transforms into a Titan Assassin, the military turns against him. However, thanks to the timely arrival of Dot Pixis, the soldiers demanding his execution are quelled.
Later, to plug the hole created in the Pink Wall, Eren is asked to transform back into a Titan, which he agrees to do. However, as soon as he transforms, he loses control of himself and tries to kill Mikasa, the person closest to him. Eren’s horrific behavior, even if unintentional, is deplorable given the person he’s attacking.
8. He forces his friends to kill others in his name
When Eren lays siege to Revelio, his friends are forced to launch a rescue operation to prevent him from being killed due to his recklessness. Unfortunately, dozens of soldiers die during the operation and Armin’s transformation into a Titan Colossal causes an explosion large enough to destroy part of the city, resulting in the deaths of many innocent people.
.What makes this situation even more horrifying is that Armin has always been against unnecessary casualties, especially those involving children. However, these losses are unavoidable due to Eren’s actions.
7. Eren throws a piece of bread when people are starving
After the fall of Shiganshina, refugees are evacuated to safety behind the Pink Wall. However, the Garrison regiment criticizes the arrival of newcomers, believing it would have been better if fewer citizens had survived the first wave of attacks.
This situation infuriates Eren, but he responds by throwing his piece of bread, his food ration, at Armin. Given the large number of people threatened with starvation, this behavior is both arrogant and inconsiderate.
6. He rebels against the Exploration Battalion regiment to lead the Jägerists.
As time goes by, Eren gradually separates himself from the path followed by the Exploration Battalion, eventually rallying to the Jägerists, a group of purist Eldians who share his convictions. The latter believe that Eren is their only hope of salvation from the threat of the Titans surrounding the Walls, and do everything in their power to support his plan.
After Eren’s death, the situation deteriorates even further, as the Jägerists take control of much of the political power of the royal government and spread dangerously fascist ideas about the world outside Paradise.
5. Eren complains of his uselessness to Historia
After being captured by Rod Reiss, Eren learns that the only way Historia can get the Original Titan back is to eat him. Instead of opposing this idea, Eren laments his own lack of ability to bring about meaningful change and asks Historia to respect his father’s wishes.
Even after the Exploration Battalion intervenes, Eren continues to complain about his own lack of value and usefulness, forcing Levi to put him in his place. Although Levi manages to reason with Eren at this point, Eren quickly falls back into his old ways.
4. He deceives Falco Grice at Revelio
Eren is highly skilled in his political maneuvers, but he has no qualms about involving children in his lies and deceptions. A striking example is his encounter with Falco Grice, an innocent child who believes Eren to be Kruger, an Eldian soldier from Mahr who lost an eye and a leg in an unspecified battle.
To make matters worse, Eren later transforms into an Assaulting Titan right in front of Falco, forcing Reiner to transform into a Dreadnought Titan to protect the child at just the right moment.
3. Eren goes ahead with the Great Earthwork
Eren unleashes the Great Earthwork despite opposition from most factions, from the Exploration Battalion to Sieg Jäger to the Global Alliance. This decision inevitably leads to a worldwide hecatomb.
Despite the many reasons why this action is reprehensible, Eren doesn’t seem to heed these contrary opinions in his pro-Eldian zeal. Even the fact that the Wall Titans are capable of killing people in Paradise isn’t enough to change his mind. Though confused about many things, Eren can’t escape his obvious hypocrisy.
2. Eren beats Armin to prove his so-called point
Mikasa and Armin visit Eren after Revelio’s failure, hoping to understand the reasons for his change in behavior. However, Eren greets them with insults, forcing Armin to come to Mikasa’s defense. This scene is surprising, as Armin is generally averse to violence, but it illustrates Eren’s cold apathy. He locks Armin in a wine closet and beats him violently, leaving his face swollen and bloody.
1. He tells Mikasa he’s always hated her.
Eren implements an obnoxious strategy to make Mikasa hate him, and even if it’s temporarily successful, the amount of rancor and contempt he deploys to get his point across shows why fans find him loathsome.
He claims that looking at Mikasa “pissed him off to no end” before nailing the coffin shut by declaring, “Ever since we were kids, I’ve always hated you.” None of what Eren says is true, in fact it’s the opposite of how he feels, but viewers totally despise the way he treats the people who love him more than anything.
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