Many of the key characters in Attack of the Titans are interrelated. The Ackermans, such as Mikasa and Levi, are among the most powerful characters in the series. Reiner and Gabi are both members of the Braun family who became would-be warriors. The Reiss family ruled Paradise for many years, after admitting that the actions of their ancestors were wrong.

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

The Jäger family is probably the most important in the series, comprising Eren, Sieg and Grisha. Eren is the main character of the story, Sieg is presented as one of the main antagonists at the beginning of the series before gaining in importance as the plot progresses, and Grisha also plays a crucial role in the story. Fans should therefore take a close interest in their family.


10. Grisha is the father of Eren and Sieg

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

Grisha lived in Mahr where he was married to Dina, a distant relative of the Reiss family. Together, they led the Eldian Resistance and had a son named Sieg, whom they hoped would play an important role in their mission. However, Sieg eventually revealed his parents’ identity to Mahr, which resulted in Dina’s transformation into a titan. Grisha then began a new life in Paradise, where he married a woman named Carla. Although he kept his past a secret from those around him, Grisha learned from his mistakes and became a better father to Eren, whom he had with Carla.

9. Eren inherited the Original and Assailant Titans from Grisha

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

When Reiner, Bertolt and Annie invaded Paradise, Grisha fought the Reiss family to inherit the Original Titan. He killed Frieda and the other family members present with her, except for her father. Earlier, Grisha had obtained the Titan Assaillant from Kruger while in Mahr. Later, he found Eren and injected him with titan serum, allowing his own son to devour him and acquire his powers.

8. Sieg wouldn’t have inherited the Bestial Titan if Grisha hadn’t made him a warrior.

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

Although Sieg didn’t eat his father, he could never have obtained the Bestial Titan without Grisha’s help. His parents pushed Sieg to become a warrior candidate, hoping it would help the Eldian resistance.

Because of Sieg’s betrayal of his family, Mahr believed he was extremely loyal to them, and when the time came, they entrusted him with the power of the Bestial Titan. At the same time, Grisha would never have been able to obtain the Assaulting Titan had it not been handed over to Mahr by Sieg.

7. Sieg was raised by his grandparents most of the time.

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

Even before Grisha and Dina went to Paradise, they weren’t as involved in Sieg’s life as they should have been. While Sieg wanted to spend time with them and befriend them, they instead educated him in their beliefs or didn’t have the time to care for him, which led to him staying with Grisha’s parents. They continued to raise him after the Eldian resistance fighters were discovered. Sieg also considered Tom, the previous Bestial Titan, to be more of a father than Grisha was to him, but unfortunately Tom wasn’t in Sieg’s life for as long as they would have liked. The only parental figures who have been present for long in Sieg’s life are his grandparents.

6. Mikasa lived with the Jägers

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

Grisha struck up a friendship with the Ackerman family and one day took Eren with him to visit them. The hope was that Eren would befriend their daughter Mikasa. However, when they arrived, they discovered that the Ackermans had been murdered by human traffickers who had kidnapped Mikasa. Fortunately, Eren and Mikasa managed to free themselves and kill the three criminals. Grisha then took Mikasa under his protection and raised her as his own daughter. The Ackermans became the Jägers’ second family.

5. Sieg’s mother ate Eren’s mother

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

When Bertolt invaded Shiganshina, Titans managed to get inside and attack the inhabitants before they could escape. The Jägers’ house was destroyed and Carla was trapped under the rubble. Although Eren and Mikasa tried to save her, Hannes pulled them to safety while Carla was devoured by a titan named Dina. For years, Eren harbored a hatred for Dina, unaware that the titan was actually his half-brother’s mother and his father’s first wife.

4. Eren killed Dina by activating the coordinate

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

Eren found Dina later and, feeling powerless, hit her, which triggered the Coordination ability. He then used his new power to order all the surrounding titans, some of whom were under Sieg’s control, to kill Dina and attack Reiner and Bertolt. For a long time, Eren knew little about this ability, but he eventually learned that simply by coming into contact with a direct descendant of Ymir Fritz, he could control all Eldians and titans. This ability proved more useful than most of his other powers.

3. Eren and Sieg didn’t know each other before they clashed at Shiganshina.

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

When Sieg tracked down Reiner and Bertolt, they told him about Eren, and the two Jäger brothers finally met in Shiganshina. Although their conversation was brief because Levi was chasing them, Sieg tried to talk to Eren, telling him that their father had brainwashed him and had come back to save him. Eren was very confused at the time, but learned of Grisha’s past soon after. He was shocked to learn that the Bestial Titan was actually his brother, and also the identity of Dina who was the Titan who had killed his mother.

2. The Jägers brothers would never have been born if their aunt had not been murdered as a child.

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

When Grisha was young, he took his sister Faye to an area of Mahr where Eldians were not allowed to enter. Kruger, a Mahr officer, punished Grisha for this transgression. However, Gross, another officer, fed Faye to his dogs before Grisha’s horrified eyes. This tragedy reinforced Grisha’s contempt for the Mahrs and his desire to fight against their oppression. This experience eventually led him to join the Eldian Resistance and meet Sieg’s mother Dina. Without this decision, Eren and Sieg would never have existed.

1. Eren and Sieg betrayed their comrades to join forces

10 Things You Need To Know About The Jäger Family!

When the Exploration Battalion began collaborating with anti-mahr volunteers, Eren and Sieg had the opportunity to meet again. This time, they were comrades rather than enemies in a war. Just as Eren had turned his back on his friends, Sieg had betrayed the Mahrs and other warriors to work with the Eldians. He understood that to achieve their goals, they had to work together. The Eldians could finally be free thanks to their cooperation, and so they could continue what their father had started.


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